A lot of people consider spring to be the season of growth, renewal, and new beginnings. It’s the ideal time to declutter your home (who else is behind on their spring-cleaning checklist?), check in on where you’re at with your new year’s resolutions, and get your landscape ready for a full bloom!
When it comes to bringing the trees on your property out of hibernation and preparing them for spring, there are a few important tasks to add to your list.
Look for and address any winter damage.
As the off-season comes to an end, now is a good time to inspect your trees for health and remove any dead or diseased leaves and branches. Spring is an optimal time for tree pruning because there are fewer leaves to reduce visibility as well as pests that can potentially harm you. Set yourself up for a successful growing season by enlisting a professional to handle your spring tree pruning.
Clean the area around your trees.
After you’ve freshened up the trees themselves, your next step should be to weed the surrounding area thoroughly and remove other debris that has accumulated. This is essential for starting your tress off with a clean, healthy environment for ideal growth conditions. You don’t want them to have to compete with weeds or other plants for water and nutrients.
Give trees the right amount of water.
Trees should be given a good, deep watering as growing season begins and continuously throughout. Less frequent complete soakings are much better than frequent, shallow watering for quality, long-term growth. Older trees should be watered in a wide circle around the trunk to nourish their deeper, stronger roots. For younger trees, you’ll want to water closer to the trunk to target their less established surface roots.
Mulch and fertilize to promote robust growth.
Start each spring with a three to four-inch layer of new mulch for your trees, adding it in a circle from the base of the trunk for a one to two-foot radius. This will help your trees retain and conserve water throughout the season. Once you’ve mulched, boost nutrient levels for optimal growth by applying fresh fertilizer.
With the full-service tree care we provide at Forest Tree Service, you can be rest assured your trees will be prepared for every season! Our professionals will evaluate and prune your trees, remove threats to their health, and even plant new trees for you to nourish for a lifetime.
Contact us today to speak with an expert to learn more about our tree care solutions!